A purpose driven life leads to a happy lifeNever has there been a better time to lead a purpose driven life based on your heart's desire and true passion in life. For those of you who haven't found that true passion and are perhaps unconsciously using that as an excuse to stay in your present circumstances then this article is for you. For those of you who know what your passion is and still are afraid to live a purpose driven life then please read on too. "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" Henry David ThoreauMany of the people I meet daily, in particular during my coaching sessions are not truly happy, yet they can't quite put their finger on why that is. Inevitably when I ask them if they are happy about individual parts of their lives they always answer not really or sometimes or variations on this theme. The answer is of course they are not leading a purpose driven life, they are not following their heart and intuition. They are in the 'the system,' they are manipulated by media, government, consumerism and the "need" to work. People have been scammed to give a days worth of their life force energy to someone else and be thankful with a low wage which has to be split with their government. People also need to stop saying what is in it for me? The question should be how can I best serve mankind? If you think like this you will be amply rewarded in time. Previously I said "need" to work, not desire to work! People have a work ethic and not a lifestyle. They have been conditioned to follow this pattern because if they didn't who would pay the mortgage(mortgage is French and means Death Pledge), car loan payments and feed the kids? People have been consistently and skillfully manipulated by the global elite (banksters) for a century and more. And of course they remain in 'the system' because of fear. Fear of what they think might happen (FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real). It's now time to awaken and find your purpose in life. It is now time to start thinking 'out of the box' and lead a truly purpose driven life based on how you want to spend your time. It is time to serve mankind (not government) and monetise this service to your advantage. You will not be happy or wealthy working for someone else. You will not have a lifestyle, you will have a conditioned work ethic. A truly purpose driven life will feel like the following:
We all want to be happy. The best way is to follow a purpose driven life. Once you do this doors will open for you. You will serve and draw people to you and finally you will be amply rewarded for your effort. One of the main problems people put forward to not following a purpose driven life is time and money. Having more time is easy. Stop following the 9-5 brigade and follow your passion. This way you will have at least an extra 40hrs per week. By having more time you will be more focused and creative and can follow your chosen purpose driven life. You will be more energetic and can concentrate on living a healthy lifestyle. Simplicity is important. When you are not rushed, being centered and in harmony with life is much easier and you feel happier and more peaceful. By doing all these things, in time, you will more than make just enough money, you will become financially free. It is time to awaken to your true purpose. You are 100% responsible for your life. You cannot let the responsiblity of this important task fall to government or an employer. If you look around you it can clearly be seen they are not interested in your welfare. It is time to take responsibility for your own life. If you remain in your present unhappy position you are not following the reason you were sent here, you will not be following your true life purpose. When you follow a purpose driven life you are automatically connected to the universe or consciousness or infinite self, whatever you want to call it. When this happens you will not have a work ethic which has been conditioned into you, you will have the lifestyle that you desire. A few more pointers:
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This Site Purpose Driven Life Quotes"The purpose of life is a life of purpose" Robert Byrne "A life without cause is a life without effect" Barbarella "Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't" Richard Bach "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how" Friedrich Nietzsche "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for." William Shedd "I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy." Og Mandino | ||
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