Who is Maxwell Hill?Hi, my name is Maxwell Hill. I am author and owner of Ultimate Wealth Made Easy. The website is mostly a reflection of the philosophical ideals I hold dear to me including practical solutions where applicable. They are based on freedom and truth and the right to become wealthy whilst producing services and products to help people. I have a small team working for me who reflect those same ideals. I am a perpetual traveller, international investor and life coach. I believe that everything in our practical world begins with a thought. Manifesting that thought depends largely on our internal map of reality, desire, belief system and persistence. Unfortunately it is very clear that as a race we lean towards the fear, anger, jealousy, guilt and selfish part of the equation. Hopefully this site will help you let go of those negative thoughts and traits and manifest your true dreams leading you to your ultimate goal which I presume is happiness? If you are struggling in this regard then please find out more about our mentoring services. Throughout the website you will see I have written about government and the new world order, media, religion, education and similar subjects. I have done this to alert you to the dangers we are now experiencing because we rely too much on our conditioned lives, both externally in the form of the above and internally, for example the ego, consumerism, our work ethic, the 9-5 tick tock world and so on. We are now in a time of incredible importance, one where the old systems of government are starting to crumble and people are becoming more self reliant and creative. It is important that you let the old systems of dependency and fear fall away and evolve into a creative and compassionate human being who takes full responsibility for his or her actions. "If you think you can do it, or you think you can't do it, You are right." Henry Ford I believe in truth and freedom and the right to create wealth for oneself and family while giving something back to mankind. I very much like my privacy and freedom and therefore am no longer part of 'THE SYSTEM' and live off the grid. I too used to live in the tick tock world, for more than 20 years actually, and like so many people it took a major event to force me to look at what I wanted to be and achieve. It is very true that you have to become something before you can achieve anything worthwhile in life. Today we follow our intellect too much. We should be following our intuition and passion more. When you do this you are so much more on purpose and happy in life. When you take this leap of faith you become something that you always were. It was hiding in a little corner of you. Your life develops from a conditioned workstyle to a lifestyle that you have always dreamed of. You become the person you were sent here for..... If you think you that speaking up is key to watching out for your own best interest, you're mistaken. That is, if you're confronted with unethical competitors. In cases like the Site Build It Scam case, the more you speak up, the more you're attacked. Follow that link and read how this unbelievable situation could happen to anyone. return from Maxwell Hill to Ultimate Wealth |
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