Living with Fear
by Maxwell Hill
We all experience anxiety and fear on a daily basis(even if you are not aware of it) but there is an ultimate purpose to fear and when you discover what that purpose is you can begin the healing process and lead a life you have always desired. Before we get to that point though let's investigate what fear is and why it is absolutely necessary as part of your evolution. The easiest way to do this is to tell you a little story. So sit back put your feet up and enjoy.
Once upon a time there was no 'I' or 'me' or even we there was just being. It felt so secure and wonderful to just be. There was a huge 'ocean' of beingness,love and oneness. Today we call this God or The Creator of All or The Source. This beingness and love was wonderful but after some 'time' - remember the time dimension doesn't exist yet - perhaps a few billion years of beingness and love became a little bit boring. Actually it became very boring and little pockets of this 'ocean' of beingness started to split off and form individual bits of awareness or consciousness (souls). It was very scary splitting off from the safety and oneness of God but the little souls couldn't help themselves because they were bored and they wanted experience, that is they needed experience to alleviate the boredom. In the bigger picture God was bored too so splitting off and experiencing was good for him/her too since these little souls(sparks of God) are always connected so God has their experiences too. It all feeds back. Remember we are all one. So on the one hand they wanted the safety and security of the huge ocean of love and oneness of God and on the other they wanted experience to relieve the boredom. At this point though they new that they were still connected to God so they adjusted and started to have experience.
The Three Stages of Experience
When souls started to appear on earth, experience was limited. A soul could experience what it was like to be a single cell, a tree or perhaps a mountain, however it was experience and relatively speaking compared to the next stage of development it was like being in Paradise. We can call this the stage of innocence because these souls were looked after by the angelic and devic realms and they very much felt part of the oneness of God.
However souls being what they are wanted to have more experience and slowly they entered a new stage. We can call this the ego stage (sin) and it coincided with the appearance of early forms of man. At the same time other souls who were much older than earth souls as they had broken off from the sea of oneness - God - earlier because they too wanted experience. These souls were well into the ego stage of development were watching closely and decided that it would be a good idea to control and manipulate these innocent beings for their own purpose. The easiest way to do this was to introduce fear. They could only do this because these beings had started to forget who they really were and their connection to God. In the bigger picture this 'veil of forgetfulness' or ignorance was deliberate. If a soul came to earth and knew it was from Source and only experienced love and was aware of its origin how could it experience other emotions such as fear, sadness, jealousy, guilt and so on. So this veil of forgetfulness had a much larger purpose.
And so it was these 'earth' beings (man) started to experience fear because they had begun to forget who they were and this was used by these other 'grown up' beings to manipulate and control them. They were conditioned and with this conditioning the ego became stronger but narrower in its perception of life. And with that more and more they became disconnected from Source. Of course in terms of evolution these souls/beings/man constantly wanted to feel safe and secure which meant that more and more they relied on something outside of themselves eg. government, insurance policies, a partner, investments(money) which of course is the exact opposite of what consciousness (soul) is. Man started to think that the body and the mind(ego) was who he was and became so fearful of change and new experiences, the ultimate change of course being death (remember the soul or divine consciousness is immortal).
The grown up souls by this time had long gone, they had reached the third stage of development which was 'second innocence' or enlightenment and realised their 'mistakes'. They weren't really mistakes because in the larger scheme of things, from the angelic realm, it was all meant to happen. It was to give the younger souls ie mankind the experience of evil, fear, depression and sadness. However some of these older souls felt so guilty for what they had done they reincarnated onto the earth as mankind to try to make amends. Many now go by the name of lightworkers or wanderers and just like 'earth' souls they have this 'veil of forgetfulness' so they sometimes are just as confused and fearful as the rest of mankind. However as we approach 2012 these lightworker souls are beginning to waken up and are now spreading their messages of who we all really are. Of course just because many of these older souls were gone didn't mean that the systems, dogma, conditioning and control stopped. Some of the younger souls who were a little bit more evolved kept this system going because they could see that they could control and manipulate people and prevent them from realising who they really were. We might even associate these souls with the global elite (the 13 bloodline families). And guess what, that system is still in existence and some of these people are so determined to hang onto the control and the deception that they are willing to do anything to keep their 'system' ie the illusion, going. We can see evidence of this everywhere eg. everything from wars which have no definate purpose (apart from control of resources and people) to the motor car which has not evolved in a century (ie still uses internal combustion engine and depends on oil industry) inspite of other huge technological advances.
This control, deception and fear projection is very evident today and as I write this in early 2011 it is becoming obvious to me that the people, ie us, are waking up to it in a big way. We are starting to 'fight' against it in terms of dealing with our own fears and conditioned responses(individual consciousness) and on a global scale(mass consciousness) fighting against the tyranny and control structures which are designed to keep us as slaves and submissive to the powers that be (who are now becoming the powers that were). Of course as we waken up more and more lies and deceptions by the control structures are becoming apparent (especially on the internet) and with that the power of mass consciousness or awareness is becoming self evident, pulling down old structures of thought and conditioned responses which are based on fear and lack and making way for ancient concepts of cooperation, unconditional love and co creation. What you are witnessing is one of the most fantastic times in the history of the planet and mankind. You are witnessing the disintegration of old power structures and the arrival of The Golden Age spoken about in many texts. You are standing astride old and new and as we progress through 2011 towards a final big push in December 2012 you will witness the rebirth of a new enlightened era and with that our 'abilities' as sparks of God will once again be self evident and the old power structures which have existed for millenia will be gone forever.
In the bigger picture then you came here to experience fear, the opposite of love which is all you knew before you arrived. To do this you had to forget about who you really are and hence 'The veil of forgetfulness' came about. You have been involved in the biggest experiment ever and have played your part admirably. Now though, your purpose is to transmute this fear into a third energy. It's called Christ energy and you can begin to experience it when you become aware of your fear and just watch it without any comment. The only way you can do this is by going within and watching. As a space begins to develop between the watcher (soul or real you) and your reactions (ie conditioned ego reactions) eg. fear, you will realise that this world is indeed an illusion and that you are here as everyone else is - even the bad guys - to experience all aspects of it and that in the bigger picture nothing can harm you, you and all souls are immortal.
When you have done this you will have evolved!
You will have ascended!
More light energy is coming to earth in these important times so the maximum number of people can ascend! Enjoy the ride!
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