Living the Dream?

by Susan Hilton

Like many people in the UK I had bought in to a dream - but was it my dream I began to ask myself or was I being manipulated to believe in desires that were being created for me by the media, government and peer pressure.

Study hard to get a well paid job, work hard - be successful - Pay Your Taxes - Buy your own house - pay more taxes - get a car - go on holiday and shop till you drop do your bit to keep our economy bouyant and then aspire to a bigger house, faster car, more exotic holidays, more expensive clothes, jewellery and move in to that higher tax bracket.

I'd made it - I was the envy of all my friends- the high flying job, lots of money,and all the above trappings.

Wealth can indeed give you freedom but it can also imprison you if you are unaware.

Why wasn't living the dream bringing me happiness?

As with many people it took the death of someone very close to me to make me get off the hamster wheel and really look at my 'dream life'

To keep the dream alive I had to work long hours - when my friends were home with their families I was on a motorway in my flash car stuck in a traffic jam on a cold , dark night with only the radio for company.

Yes I was on my way to a very fancy hotel but I'd lay on the bed and order room service too tired to appreciate all the facilities.

I seemed to be tired all the time - I didn't have time to pay attention to my physical or mental well being. I didn't know who I was - always rushing - never living in the moment - and then the fear and anxiety set in.

I would wake up in a morning anxious and afraid - what if I lost my job I would lose it all so I worked harder and the circle continued I was shackled to a life I didn't want but was too afraid to let go of - I'd be a failure.

It was only when I revaluated what success and failure really meant that I realised I was already failing - all these material things weren't success for me- it wasn't my dream - I wasn't happy or making other people happy I wasn't contributing to anyone - I needed to get off the treadmill of my own making.

This isn't the solution for everyone I accept that but for me to have less posessions, enough to cover my needs and most importantly time to appreciate the life I am living and and the people who are sharing it with me has set me free.

I have lost my fear and can truely take the time to live in the moment. Financially I am no longer 'rich' but if anyone were to ask me now I would say I am wealthy beyond my dreams.

return from living the dream? to money and happiness

return from living the dream? to manifest money

return from living the dream? to ultimate wealth

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Sep 26, 2015
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Sep 22, 2015
Living the Dream?
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Sep 19, 2015
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Jun 11, 2015
Strange enough
by: Andrew

Strange enough, but excessive possessions don't make us happier. Indeed, having only enough money to cover your basic needs can make you a more balanced person. I'm going to pay someone to do my research paper to shed light on this question from a psychological perspective.

May 08, 2015
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Jan 23, 2010
Living The Dream?
by: Maxwell

Hi Susan

thank you for taking the time to post.

Unfortunately your situation is a common scenario where you are not actually living your own life. You are living the goals and aspirations of your former employer. You were being rewarded well in terms of money, however this was being traded for the long hours and nights spent on your own.

You have probably already set your own goals which of course is so important. Hopefully now that you have got your life back you can now build true wealth - financially and spiritually - on your own terms!

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