How to Make Extra Money isn't DifficultFinding a way to make money can lead to a far more lucrative future. The 'how to make extra money' question has come up in my life several times and I'm sure it's the same for you. I have listed below what I think are practical solutions to 'how to make extra money'. The important thing to remember is what you do with the extra money. Paying off debt and/or saving and investing should be your number one priority. You should not be buying depreciating products/assets of any description if you want to turn your finances around. This includes such things as holidays, clothes, cars, motorbikes, electronic products, nights out and so on. Remember your number one long term goal should be wealth accumulation and multiple streams of income without using your own labour. How to make extra money 1. Online business or website. If I can do it you certainly can! I could only copy and paste before I built this website. 2. Bar person or waiter/waitress; 3. Delivery person (eg.takeaways); 4. Picking people up from an airport if you live close by. Airport car parks are very expensive and people don't like leaving their cars. Alternatively if you live in a tourist area people are only too glad to be picked up by a cheap reliable service. 5. Renting out your vehicle for extra cash; 6. Gardening services including mowing grass general tidying up or even landscaping if you feel confident enough; 7. House cleaning services; 8. Ironing services; 9. Teaching - this comes in all forms, for example making extra money teaching people how to swim, lift weights, ride motorbikes, how to use computers or teaching people at school as a fill in or teaching assistant; 10. Valeting cars; 11. Buying and selling items online and offline; 12. Getting paid to take part in medical trials; 13. Do you have a skill that can be put to use on the internet eg. writing reviews, designing web logos, writing content for websites, blogging, or even just filling in marketing questionnaires?; 14. Use your IT skills productively for family and friends, charging only a small fee; 15. Dog walking/pet sitting; 16. Renting out a room in your home; 17. Sell your own homemade products eg. bread, cakes, recipes etc. Many of the above jobs can be done temporarily until your cash flow improves or can even be turned into a part or full time business with a few flyers to get you started. You could then think about having a web presence or better still turn your hobby or passion into a part or full time online business |
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This Site Extra Money Inspiration"Money is hard to earn and easy to lose.Guard yours with care." Brian Tracy "To attract money, you must focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring more money into your life when you are noticing you do not have enough, because that means you are thinking thoughts that you do not have enough." Rhonda Byrne "Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition." George Clason "If it flies, floats or fornicates, always rent it.. it's cheaper in the long run." Felix Dennis | ||
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