Change Your Perception of Fear
by Mrs Maria Watson
I wanted to tell you this story, because as a result of facing fear and anxiety and changing my perception of fear I am now extremely happy and motivated and have a successful and still growing business of my own.
I realised that all the reasons why I should not start my own business were actually fear taking hold! It was limiting my personal potential to be my own boss and to be more joyful and fulfilled in other areas of my life too. Changing the way I thought and with help and support from family and friends and also the Universal Law of Attraction I began to react differently to how I was thinking, and of course I am still learning more and more which is fun.
I stopped thinking about the "what ifs" although that was difficult, especially after all the programming over the years from various educational bodies, peers and family. I started to use the Universal Law of Attraction and postive thinking to find my business premises. This happened extremely quickly and a suitable building became available at very low cost which was even better.
My business is quite well established now although there will always be room for change or improvement, but in general all is well. I have continued to use a different way of thinking and instead of reacting with fear at any changes that may need to be made I have found solutions and the solutions come in all shapes and sizes and from different sources. I am much more aware of opportunities and reading between the lines.
Dont get me wrong though, fear and anxiety still creep in from time to time, which can cause all sorts of doubts but thats the point, thats what it does, fear creates rigidity and confusion! You have to change the thought to "I can find a solution or I can do this" or "does this change make me happy".
I don't really know what else to say except that I hope this helps someone.
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