Anxiety Fear and AwarenessI think anxiety fear is one of the most destructive emotions known to mankind however you can overcome it if you become more aware....
What are your thoughts on anxiety and fear?Do you feel you are being held back? Have you managed to overcome these feelings and are leading the life you want? You can share your story with other readers here... Most of the population suffers from anxiety and fear and it is this suffering that is preventing many people from evolving into a higher level. We are in exciting times where old outdated systems of government, economics, psychology and religion and so on are breaking down and preparing to reorganise at higher levels or cease to exist altogether. The only way you as a person can evolve into this higher level is to stop acting as an automatic response system which reacts according to an internal map of reality that was pre-programmed by your parents, guardians, education system, media, government and peers when you were growing up. You must stop being this reactionary figure that has no real control of his or her life but which life situations just seem to happen to. You must start with a definate plan or list of goals, but even this will not completely reduce your anxiety fear. You must therefore become more aware before this will happen. When you become more aware you have choices. If you are not aware of something you cannot make a choice. The more aware you become the more choices you can make. How do you become more aware? The best way is to meditate as if you're on steroids! The same fight or flight response is activated when there is no danger and we have a constant feeling of being overwhelmed and anxious even though we know that nothing can happen to us. There is another important point I would like to make and that is the fact that anxiety fear and love cannot co-exist at the same time. Anxiety fear is limiting, lacking, stagnant and closed whereas love is open, vibrant, expanding, expressive and abundant. A good example of this is how you feel towards other people when you are fearful of something as opposed to how you feel if everything is going your way. Just think about that for a couple of seconds. This is important because of the reflective nature of our universe. Just look at the world at the moment because of the way the majority of people think eg. wars, poverty, food shortages, disease etc. Your predominant mindset will reflect in the opportunities and experiences that you encounter. Imagine if everybody were able to express love instead of anxiety fear. You can choose how you feel about any situation. How?Choosing how you feel about a situation can only be done if you are more aware. To help you in this regard there is another point I would like to make. Many people think that there is a two step process from the input that you receive from the environment to the way that you feel. This is wrong thinking and creates the situation where people always blame someone else or situation for the way they feel. The actual process involves three steps: - the input from the environment.... - which is then processed by your internal map of reality.... - which then gives you the emotion that you feel. Changing this map of reality will change your life. Remember the map of reality that you have was pre-programmed in you by parents, guardians, education systems and government etc. while you were growing up. It is just one perception of the hundreds that you could have. To help you transform anxiety fear into a more positive emotion I have listed a number of transformational tools below. I hope they help you as they have helped me. Do remember that as is so often the case there is a requirement for you to grow ie to become more aware before you will achieve your life goals and this takes time. Anxiety fear transformational tools
Now reconcile yourself to accepting the worst case scenario and realise that the world won't end. You will somehow muddle through. You may remember other situations where you initially thought the worst but they didn't turn out to be that bad. Sometimes these worst case scenarios turn into a blessing in disguise even though you can't see it at the moment. Now that you have reconciled yourself to the worst scenario possible you can now devote all your energies to improving this worst case scenario. You should now start to feel much better. you can download a free copy of how this technique works. This is a very powerful technique which involves two processes...... - staying in the present moment acknowledges the fact that there is no such thing as past and present only now! The past is only memory traces in your mind and the future doesn't exist. Therefore focus on what is happening around you now and acknowledge you are perfectly safe, there is no anxiety fear in the present moment. Anxiety fear is only perceived in a non existent future. - and acknowledging the existence of your spirit ie the presence you talk to when you have a problem or are unhappy. Allow this presence to witness your anxiety fear or other emotional reaction eg. anger. Don't say anything just watch how you are feeling and reacting, don't condemn or form an opinion just say to yourself 'that's interesting'. When you can do this you are becoming more aware. This is a very powerful technique. A quote that always sticks in my mind is below, I hope it helps you to become more aware and brings the realisation that we are living in very exciting times! "Then Jesus said to his disciples: 'Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?'" (Luke 12:22-26, NIV). (Also see Matthew 6:25-34) Have A Great Story About This Topic?We all suffer from anxiety and fear. Have you overcome them to lead the type of life you want? Or are you still struggling and could do with a nudge in the right direction? Share your story with our readers! What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
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This Site Anxiety Fear Quotes"You can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states, and those who are in them cannot read the thoughts of God." Wallace Wattles "I'm just suggesting that when you're faced with fear and anxiety, don't medicate. Meditate instead." Russell Simmons "I've had thousands of problems in my life, most of which never actually happened." Mark Twain "FEAR is an acronym in the English language for 'False Evidence Appearing Real'" Neale Donald Walsch | ||
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