5 Reasons NOT to Pay Your Credit Cards

by John Galt

Are you one of the millions of Americans trying to decide between paying your credit card bills and eating?

We live in a matrix that goes to unspeakable expense to nurture us from the teat to be good consumers. You are issued a tax collection number at birth (SS#), another artificial number for your credit worthiness (FICO), and then you're extended a certain amount of tokens to play "life" based on those numbers. This virtual currency, not unlike your earned Farmville coins, only has value because you give it value.

It is a brilliantly designed game: the banksters create a unit of money out of thin air; lend it to people with interest attached; get them to buy real items; then raise the rates, force people to work harder, hover like a vulture until expected default occurs, and rake in the forfeited assets. Best of all, when the whole Ponzi scheme comes crashing down because they drunkenly gambled with your interest payments, the very people who destroyed you get bailed out by you with tax money. And they call you the thieves when you can't pay them back. The game is rigged for the house and it's always a Win/Win for them and a Lose/Lose for you.

Sure, you get to "rent" a flat-screen TV, a car, or a home from them, making life in the matrix almost worth it. But, ultimately, you only temporarily use that stuff at great expense to you and massive profits to the banks. After years and years of paid interest, you still never truly own anything. The TV is now obsolete and worthless; you still must pay increasing property taxes and insurance on your homes and cars, even when your done paying the bank three times their value, all while they bought your years of servitude with nothing real or tangible.

In truth, if there was real justice in America, the criminal banking cartel would be arrested under the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, and their assets should seized and returned to their victims. After their arrest and the unconditional release of all debt prisoners, a new, fair, and sound money system should be put in place for the benefit of all (See The Secret of Oz).

For the many who are contemplating dropping out of the corrupt debtor system, the least impact from the mafia will occur by ignoring your unsecured credit cards. Before you take this action, be warned that you may have to return the signing bonus gift you received when got your contract to play in the big leagues.

Here are the top five reasons not to pay your credit cards:

1. If you owe $6,000 on a credit card with a 20 percent interest rate, and you only pay the minimum payment each time, it will take you 54 years to pay off that credit card. During those 54 years you will pay $26,168 in interest rate charges in addition to the $6,000 in principal that you are required to pay back (Source).

2. Under the legal fractional reserve banking system, the banks NEVER actually had the fake money for the credit they extended you in the first place. They added you to their stable of debt slaves with a simple accounting key stroke.

3. The cartel of the large private banks are a proven criminal entity at the heart of most global problems including, but not limited to: wars, genocide, famine, and resource plundering. It's immoral to continue to support such a system on any level.

4. You won't need a good credit score to live outside of the matrix. It's a place in your mind where it is okay to not ever "use" anything with bank financing for the rest of your life.

5. Not paying your credit cards may be one of the only ways to make the matrix feel the weight of your protest without drawing too much oppression.

Article kindly supplied by Activist Post. You can find the original here.

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